Oliver API scheduled update v1.6.2

September 19, 2019

We have some fresh updates from our pipeline ready to deliver to you. Check out below the changes, the release plan and phasing out of the current version.


REST API - (Oliver API)

  • Event-level strength predictions of "agitated" and "calm" are now renamed to "strong" and "weak"
  • Frame-level speaking rate results are not continuous anymore and are now represented with discrete labels (1 for slow, 2 for normal, 3 for fast)
  • Improved calculation of prediction confidence
  • Specification updated to v 3.4.2

Streaming API - (Oliver Live API)

  • Intensity is now always displayed regardless of speech
  • Speaking rate is only displayed on speech as a discrete measure (slow, normal, fast) instead of a continuous 0-10 range

Release Plan

September 26, 2019

October 17, 2019

  • The phase-out period of the previous version ends and the endpoints are deactivated.
  • In case you want to continue using the previous version (although not recommended) you can contact us at api@behavioralsignals.com

The Oliver API development team