Check the progress of a process

Poll for process status and get metadata

You can then poll about the status of your job using the unique process id via a GET process.The response of this call is a media type/JSON containing (among other fields) the status of your job, e.g., 0: pending, 1: processing, 2: completed.

Status possible valuesStatus description
0Pending - the audio has been submitted for processing
1Processing started - The audio is being processed
2Processing complete - The audio has been processed and results are available
-1, -3Server error while processing the audio
-2Insufficient credits - Increase your balance in the Billing section of the console

Example request/response:

curl --location '<your-project-id>/process/<pid>' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: your-api-token'
  "pid": 1,
  "cid": "<your-project-id>",
  "name": "my-awesome-audio",
  "status": 2,
  "statusmsg": "Processing Complete.",
  "duration": 5.03,
  "datetime": "2024-07-19T12:08:32.507Z",
  "meta": ""