Retrieve ASR results

Results of automatic speech recognition

When a processing request is completed successfully you can proceed in fetching the results. The results are provided in a JSON object format and are described in more detail in this page. You can also find the JSON schema of the result in another page. The endpoint to call is:

The GET resultasr method requires the client ID (long: {cid}) and the process ID (long: {pid}) to be passed as path parameters. On invocation, it returns the result of the processing in JSON format. In case the specified cid or pid is not found or the status of the job is not set to completed, a corresponding error response is sent to the user. For example, calling the GET results method by either an invalid pid or a process that is not in completed status would trigger one of the following error responses:

{"code":1,"type":"error","message":"Process with pid 35235 not found!"}

{"code":1,"type":"error","message":"Cannot send results for Process with pid 11089. The reason is: Waiting for result"}

WARNING: When it is not possible to estimate one or more of outputs, e.g., due to a very short or corrupted audio file, the associated words array could be empty.

The GET resultasr API call produces only the media type application/JSON response, setting the Content-Type response header accordingly.